The People of C&CR
A Closer Look...
1) What's your name?
2) What's your C&CR Forum username?
3) What car clubs and/or groups are you a member of, if any?
4) What's the year, make and model of your car(s)?
5) Why did you select this particular car(s)?
6) Why and/or what made you become a car enthusiast? (Childhood memories, seeing that "one" car, etc.)
7) What's the one car you wish you owned?
8) What's your favorite car movie and/or tv show?
9) What's your favorite activity you enjoy in/with your car?
10) How did you hear about Cars & Coffee Richmond?
11) Can you give an estimate on how many times you have come out to C&CR?
12) What are your thoughts about Cars & Coffee Richmond?
13) What are some of your favorite cruising roads around RVA?
14) What's another passion(s) and/or hobby\hobbies that you have besides cars?